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Website Design, Website, Web Application Development, ASP, ASP.Net Windows based Server with SQL Server |
We provide website design and development for your business or personal websites. We create dynamic database websites on Windows server. If you have low to moderate traffic but for large traffic MS SQL server database is used for robust architecture. We also integrate shopping cart and payment gateway so that you can have your own product database, shopping cart, online order system and administration module. For low hosting costs up to $200-300/- per year you can get a shared hosting accounting with one SQL server database. You can also host your website on cloud, VPS or dedicated server at considerable higher costs that shared hosting space. |
Free Trial of Web based accounting and inventory control application. When you want to use this application for your business we will install it on your own hosting space or dedicated windows server. SQL server database is use for robust architecture. |
Try the complete web application for billing, accounting and payroll for testing on your server. This application here is hosted only for demo. Once you decide to run the application we will install it on your own shared hosting or dedicated server as chosen by you. Only one time cost is applicable and the whole application is installed on your server along with full ASP source code. Subsequently, you can modify the application on your own or sell it to the others as you will also get commercial rights along with source code. |
Web based Accounting, Web Application Running in your browser for accounting, billing, inventory and payroll. You can access this application from anywhere in the world using a browser and wi-fi hot spot. The application runs on your own server and domain name. |
This web based accounting application uses SQL server database and provided features like billing, creating vouchers, checking nominal ledger and trial balance and create final accounts. A number of reports can be generated. This web application also included employee module and Payroll. This multi-company multi user application shall be hosted on your own hosting account and SQL server for complete security of your business data. |
About RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), its functionality and uses |
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses EM fields or radio waves to automatically identify and track RFID tags fixed to objects. The tags contain electronically stored data. Passive tags collect power from a nearby RFID reader’s interrogating radio waves. Active RFID tags have a local power source such as a battery and may operate at much larger range from the RFID reader. Unlike a barcode, the RFID tag need not be within the line of sight of the reader, so it could be embedded in the tracked object. RFID is one of the methods for Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC). |
Hand Held RFID Data Terminals Connected to Host Computer by Wi-Fi |
RFID Data Terminal works as lnks between host computer and RFID tags for oeraionss of reading, writing and searching RFID tags.It has a durable housing that allows for use in extreme environments, saving costs and time in repairing. Features:
RFID Tags Search Read Station |
RFID Read and search station is connected to the host computer via Wi-Fi, GSM or Blue tooth. Wi-Fi gives it reading range of 2-5 meters. Files or other inventory object are located on high shelf for easy storage and retrieval. Tags are attached with each object like files, jewelry, clothing, machine parts, etc. Some most prominent business segments using RFID Tags are used for Jewelry, Wristbands, Laundry-Garment, RFID Animal, RFID Metal, RFID Windshield, Library, Solar Display, RFID Key or any RFID Active object. |
RFID Tags Write Station |
RFID Tag Write Station is connected to the host computer via LAN/USB interface. RFID tags need to be burnt in with the unique identity of the product they represent. Usually a serial number is burnt in the RFID tag. This serial number is linked to a database where all information of the object being tracked is stored and retrieved from. Such write systems are contact based and are contact less with 5 cm gap. |
RFID on Mobile with GSM 3G/4G Module |
RFID module can be integrated with windows or android based APP to a 3G/4G enabled mobile though GSM module. This GSM module shall come preinstalled on the phone as the ISP. Various GSM modules connected to the computer have a SIM slot. If your SIM provider understands AT Commands then most of the functions of the voice and video modem can be carried out through the computer. In other words you can keep track of RFID objects on your mobile. |
RFID Handheld Data Terminal with Enterprise up-grade |
The RFID readers have fidelity to wireless or Wi-Fi and line of sight is not required like infrared controls to read RFID tags and are capable of reading multiple tags simultaneously from a distance of multiple meters that is adjustable. Since each tag has a unique tag ID, the inventory/object management system is free from any kind of counterfeiting. As the name suggests, the RFID cards do not directly come in physical contact with the card. |
RFID Computer Cards for direct hardware Integration with your enterprise software |
These RFID cards have an antenna and associated transceiver built in the card. The antenna of the RFID cards is used to communicate to the card reader for reading and writing data on the card. The working of these cards is based on radio frequency identification technology. UHF cards are widespread and have highest operating range in meters that is 2-5 meters. These cards are used as parking cards, student identification and electronics passports. |
RFID Tags Use Contact less (5 cm), Wi-Fi and GSM connectivity to the computer |
Files or other inventory object are located on high shelf for easy storage and retrieval. Tags are attached with each object like files, jewelry, clothing, machine parts, etc. Some most prominent business segments using RFID Tags are used for Jewelry, Wristbands, Laundry-Garment, RFID Animal, RFID Metal, RFID Windshield, Library, Solar Display, RFID Key or any RFID Active object. |
RFID Cards and such hardware as Proximity Sensors are integrated with slots in computer or on USB port. |
Proximity Sensors are often used in application as head count, or for detecting pass through, of for such decisions as to know if a glass has been placed under a pouring sprout. Proximity sensors are Phidget (USB Card) or Computer card based hardware that interact to the software through its API or App Programming Interface. On hardware port they are often inserted in computer slots and are also connected to USB or RS232 communication port. When they are connected as USB plug-and-play device they are often called phidgets. |
Electronic Measuring Devices and Switches Intgreated with USB Port and API |
There are several USB Card or Computer card based hardware that interact to the software through its API or Application Programming Interface. On hardware port they are often inserted in computer slots and are also connected to USB or RS232 communication port. When they are connected as USB plug-and-play device they are often called phidgets or small computer system interface. |
RFID Tags, Labels, Inlays |
There are High Quality RFID label manufacturer in India. The rugged, high quality, long lasting RFID labels are useful in various applications in various industry verticals such as hospitals, medical stores, chemicals, logistics, transportation, petrol pumps, supermarkets, newspapers, trade and industry inventory management, supply chain, etc. |
RFID Tags are Preprinted and Pre bar coded or QR coded for mobile APP use by reading of Q Code by mobile Camera. |
RFID Tags, Lables, inlays are attached with each object such as file folders, jewelry, clothing, machine parts, store items etc. Some most prominent business segments using RFID Tags are used for Jewelry , Wristbands, Laundry, Garment Industry, RFID Animal Management, RFID Metal Tags, RFID Windshield, Library, Solar Display, RFID Lock Key or any RFID Active object. |
Handheld Data Terminal - RFID Tags Search Read Write Station with 5 m RF range |
RFID can be used in a variety of applications, such as: Electronic Lock with RFID Card System, ANSI Electronic key for RFID based lock system, Access management, Tracking of goods, Tracking of persons and animals, Toll collection and contact less payment, Machine readable travel documents, Smart Dust or for massively distributed sensor networks or nano electronic, Tracking sports memorabilia to verify authenticity, Airport baggage tracking logistics, Timing occurring events and for several other applications. |
Radio Frequency GPS Tracking |
RFID Tags with GSM or mobile interface are installed on objects like vehicles, cargos or carried or worn by people like drivers, gateway managers and courier people for easy Radio identification of the GPS location of the object in the domain and its history of movements in the domain. Radio-based solutions are different in that the radio transponders transmit position over a mobile radio frequency, typically designated by a government wireless band control agency for your exclusive licensed use. A GSM/GPRS system is not used; instead the operator of the radio system installs one or more receivers in position(s) around the area to be tracked. One receiver, or the connected RF antenna, is capable of covering an area of typically 10-25 mile radius from its own position, although this range might vary depending upon how high in elevation the receiving antenna is, how strong the transmitter is, and what the local terrain, time and weather is like. |
Phidgets or SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) |
A phidget is a physical GUI widget. Phidgets are a Small Compter System Interface made of low-cost electronic components and sensors that are controlled by a personal computer. Universal Serial Bus (USB) or wi-fi or GSM is preferred communication port, the phidget is controlled by software using an Application Programming Interface or API. Applications can be developed in all types of development platform on all OS. Phidget allows exploration of alternative physical computer interaction hardware or small computer interfaces, but have most notably been adopted by robotics as computer Hardware interfcaes simplify PC-Robot interaction as they can issue commands from a software. Phidgets are a physical analogue to software widgets, allowing the construction of complex physical systems out of simpler components using a host computer. |
Small Computer Interface Cards or Phidgets or Physical Widgets |
A phidget (physical widget) is attached to a host computer via USB. There are various phidgets available, each having a counterpart class in the phidget API. As each phidget is attached to the host computer, it is made available to control in the API, where its state can be accessed and set. Phidgets can be programmed using a variety of software and programming languages, ranging from Java, Visual Studio to Microsoft Excel. The phidget API allows systems to access the small computer devices in a high level manner. |
USB Sensing and Control - Phidget API (Application and Programming Interface) |
The API allows the management of devices as they are attached, to subscribe to events and to access the state of the the computer interface represented by the phidget. The core API is originally written in C programming language and has been extended to work in numerous other programing languages including .NET and Java. Examples of Phidgets: Servo, Allows control of up to 4 servo motors. Each servo can be addressed individually where it can have its position read and set, Phidget Accelerometer, The accelerometer senses acceleration in 2 and 3 dim ensions, Text LCD, A 20 character * 2 line LCD display, acting as an alternative display mechanism in a phidget project, Interface Kit, Allows input/output interface to analog and digital sensors and switches. |
Products for USB Sensing and Control |
Common example for Phidgets are Sensors for Distance, Encoders, FSR, Gas Pressure, Light / Sound, Load Cells, Motion, pH / ORP, Potentiometers, Proximity Temperature / Humidity, Touch, Voltage / Current, Motors, Linear Actuators, Servo Controllers, Servo Motors, DC Controllers, DC Motors, DC Motors Encoders, Stepper Controllers, Stepper Motors Hardware Motors, Linear Actuators, Servo Controllers, Servo Motors, DC Controllers, DC Motors, DC Motors with Encoders, Stepper Controllers, Stepper Motors Hardware are often electronically controlled by Phidgets. These small computer system interfaces are then connected via application programming interface or API to the software. |
Small Computer Interface Cards or Phidgets or Physical Widgets |
Other devices commonly used for interfacing with computers through software are Transmission, Belt Drive, Chain Drive, Gearboxes, Shaft / Couplers, Relays, RFID, Remote Control, LCD Displays, Adapters, LEDs, Switches, Fuses/Protection, USB Hubs, Power Supplies, Kits and Enclosures |
Phidgets are also used as accurate electronic switches controlled via a computer software. Such switches can also start power drives or start AC or DC motor among controlling the light sources for example studio lighting. |
Motors, Linear Actuators, Servo Controllers, Servo Motors, DC Controllers, DC Motors, DC Motors Encoders, Stepper Controllers, Stepper Motors Hardware are often electronically controlled by Phidgets. These small computer system interfaces are then connected via application programming interface (API) to the software. |
In a wine and beverage pouring machine the drinks are kept at the required temperature that controlled by refrigeration units housed in the machine. |
These refrigeration units can be controlled by host computer using appropriate phidgets and by programming all required actions in the software. Phidgets are required for controlling the food grade pump, proximity sensor to detect presence of wine glass, for switching on the power to the pumps and to control and supply power to the refrigeration units. Apart from that RFID / magnetic card reader, touch screen and several other pieces of hardware may be required. A refrigeration unit is also required to keep the wine boxes at the right temperature. These machines can be installed in hotel, restaurant lobbies, airport, railway stations, bus stnads and several other places such as cruise ships and luxary boats. |
Food Grade Electronic Pumps for Wine and Beverages, hot or cold. |
In wine or beverage vending machine exact quantity need to be measured for correct billing. The quantity of the fluid delivered from the food grade pump can be measured in ml or oz. The pump are driven low voltage DC power for complete safety from electric mains. These pumps are switched on and run by using several phidgets that are in turn controlled by PC. The phidgets are mostly connected to the PC on the USB port. The phidget connet to the compyter mostly on USB port but can also connect with PC on LAN, or Wi-Fi as may be required by the application. |
Electronic measurement of fluid flow - The "P" Pump Correctly measures wine servings in ml. |
The software gives you option to slect size of servings, small, medium, large and custom pour size. This is accomplished by some computer controlled electronics like food grade peristaltic pumps and phidget driven DC power packs. |
Small Refrigeration units can be put in machine and can be interfaced with host computer for computer controlled cooling |
These refrigeration units can be controlled by host computer using appropriate phidgets and by programming all required actions in the software. |
In a Automated Wine and Beverage Pouring Machine a lot of technology goes in. A host computer with touch screen kiosk is the basic requirement. |
Phidgets are often required to be used as switches and sensors and power supplies, power supply control, refrigeration units, food grade pumps, sprouts and tubing, RFID or Magnetic Card processing, food grade enclosure for whole machine are all required to build a complete automated vending machine. |
Card or RFID operated Automated Wine Food Grade Storage, refrigeration and pouring in measured quantities by use of electronic pump driven sprouts. Electronic Vending Machine with RFID and Credit cards for payment |
Phidgets are often required to be used as switches and sensors and power supplies, power supply control, refrigeration units, food grade pumps, sprouts and tubing, RFID or Magnetic Card processing, food grade enclosure for whole machine are all required to build a complete automated vending machine. |
Bar Codes - The first step to automation though scanning of inventory items. |
Code 3 of 9 and UPC Bar Code - Barcode reading writing and printing. UPC are regulated while Code 3 of 9 bar code can be freely used by various business but they are not guaranteed to be unique and registered ilke UPC. |
RFID Metal Tags |
RFID Metal Tags: One of the application for these tags is as number plates for vehicles. Such vehicles cab be easily tracked via RFID and GSM based RFID tags. With GSM interface in can be further linked to geo-posititioning or GPS interface. RFID tags are very effective in tracking the cattle or other wild animals. They are widely used in animal husbandries or by wild life explorers. The tags are clipped in animals’ body parts and are very effective and accurate in tracking a large herd of animals. |
RFID Tags and Bar Code - Two - In - One Handheld Barcode RFID Reader. |
This is a very important asset tracking tool. In most of the applications Bar Code is retained for simple reasons as backward compatibility and wider coverage as bar code scanners are more easily found in almost all places of POS. |
Laser Bar Code Scanner |
It is a simple USB or keyboard vedge device. It scans the bar code and inserts the text where the cursor is plcaed. So if norepad file is open and if you scan bar code the barcode is converted to number and inserted in the file. Similarly while in use with a software the cusrsor is placed is required field and the bar code is scanned. |
RFID Identity Cards for Easy Access control of Employees and Vendors, customers etc. |
Such Identity Cards can be used with the employees to control their access through secured area, mark attendance or log time out and time in. You have carry it on person and move through the RFID scanner to get your presence recorded. |
RFID Baby Protection, Baby Security and Baby Tracking Tag |
RFID ID Tags for babies preprinted with personal identity so there access into a RFID protected area like school class room, assembly and playground, can be monitored. Such RFID card make it very easy to do head count and find out missing person if any in a large group or collection of objects. Children RFID can also be monitored through GSM module for Easy full Fledged surveillance through RFID and GPS working in conjunction with 3G or 4G GSM module. |
Magnetic Cards, magnetic stripe card or Mag Cards, RFID Cards. Magnetic Stripe Card Reader for integration with plastic cards or Mag Cards. |
A magnetic stripe card or Mag Card is a type of card capable of storing data by modifying the magnetism of tiny iron-based magnetic particles on a stripe of magnetic material on the card. The magnetic stripe, sometimes called swipe card or mag-stripe, is read by swiping past a magnetic reading head. Magnetic stripe cards are commonly used in credit cards, identity cards, and transportation tickets. They may also contain an RFID tag, a transponder device and/or a microchip mostly used for business premises access control or electronic payment. RFID cards are contact less and do not need a magnetic head to read the data. |
Credit Card / Debit Card Online Payment Gateway |
Payment Gateway providers are usually associated with a bank and shall give you online account to process web based online payment. You have to interface your web application or website as per the API of the payment gateway providers. There are several national and international payment gateway like Papar Free that cater to payment processing needs of small and medium sized business or SME (small to medium sized enterprise) segment. |
Embedded Electronic Cards, Smart Cards |
We provide software to integrate cards with your applications. Smart cards are a newer cards that contain an integrated circuit (IC). Some older smart cards have metal contacts to electrically connect the card to the reader, and contact less cards use a magnetic field or radio frequency (RFID) for proximity reading. Hybrid smart cards include a magnetic stripe in addition to the chip most commonly found in a payment card, so that the cards are also compatible with payment terminals that do not include a smart card reader. Cards with all three features: magnetic stripe, smart card chip, and RFID chip are also becoming common as the following activities require the use of such cards: Access badge, Access control, Common Access Card, Credential, Credit card number, Identity document, Keycard, Photo identification, Physical security, Proximity card and Stored-value card. A Wide variety of embedded electronic plastic cards are available for writing and reading. These shall RFID or Magnetic Numbered in databases and distributed after reprinting as per your specific enterprise requirements. |
RFID / Mag Cards for Access to Hotel Room |
You can control access and record all activities in the database. Such cards may be RFID Card, Mag Card or it could also be a credit card that can be accessed though software. Such specially preprinted cards can also be used for automated wine, cold drink, tea, coffee vending machne that be placed in convenient places like waiting rooms, lobbies and restaurants. |
Touch Screen is an input (keyboard & mouse) and output device (monitor or computer screen) rolled in one. |
Touch screen receives input through Soft Keyboard or software driven keyboard. No interrupts are now required to process the keys and CPU sits cool with a touch screen monitor. We can create cool software for you based on touch screen. Touch screen are primarily used with POS terminals. Point of sale systems have revolutionized the retail industry in all business segments. The most recent technology is using the computers as cash registers , mostly with touch screens like POS. The registers connect to a server, often referred to as a store controller or a central control unit. Printers and monitors are also found on the network. Additionally, remote servers can connect to store networks and monitor sales and other store data. |
Touch Screen Technology Integration, Touch Screen as Input and Output device on computer. What is Touch Screen Technology? |
GUI of touch screen based software is different than normal software and are based on finger movements and tapping. Touch screen technology is the direct manipulation type gesture based technology. Direct manipulation is the ability to manipulate digital world via the screen of device without the command-line commands. Touch screen by design is an input cum output device and replaces both monitor and keyboard on a computer. A touch screen is an electronic visual display capable of detecting and accurately pin point the location of finger over its display area. It is sensitive to the touch of a human finger, hand, pointed finger nail and passive objects like stylus. Users can simply move things on the screen, scroll them, make them bigger and many more. Touch screen displays are widely used in computers, user interactive machines, public kiosks, point of sale applications, gaming consoles, PDAs, smart phones, tablets, etc. Types of Touch screen Technology are: a) Resistive b) Capacitive c) Surface Acoustic Wave d) Infrared |
Electronic kiosk for Vending or Service, Information Kiosks, Networked Kiosks |
We can supply kiosk hardware from OEM vendors and develop the software for you. An electronic kiosks is basically an stand alone or networked computer. It has a stand on which the touch screen is mounted at normal eye level. The computer holds the program menu on the desktop in a manner that the desktop of the computer is not shown on touch screen at any time. The electronic kiosk may be information kiosk with information stored locally or it can be a networked kiosk connecting to LAN or internet fetching data from internet server. Such kiosks are mostly used at railway stations, bus stations and airports like public places. These kiosks can also be a vending kiosk where additional facility is provided for accepting payment by cash or credit or debit card and a outlet slot for dispensing the merchandise. Needless to say it is any other electronic kiosks with more facility and features to process payments and make delivery. |
Handheld GSM based Payment Checkout Terminal for POS systems |
Designed for merchants to accept all payment methods and the most innovative use at the point of sales. The Handheld GSM based Payment Checkout Desktop terminals cover a variety of functionalities to offer unique consumer experiences at the counter. With limited footprints and high reliability, they can easily integrate and answer the most demanding needs for color display, touch interface or consumer engagement capabilities. They have no cable attached and can be carried far off and still process payment as it uses a 3G/4G SIM for calling the payment gateway. |
POS, The point of sale (POS) or point of purchase (POP) is the time and place where a retail transaction is completed. |
We develop POS terminal software with the selected hardware. At the point of sale, the merchant would calculate the amount owed by the customer and indicate the amount, and may prepare an invoice for the customer (which may be a cash register printout), and indicate the options for the customer to make payment. It is also the point at which a customer makes a payment to the merchant in exchange for goods or after provision of a service. After receiving payment, the merchant may issue a receipt for the transaction, which is usually printed, but is increasingly being dispensed with or sent electronically. To calculate the amount owed by a customer, the merchant may use any of a variety of aids available, such as weighing scales, bar code scanners, electronic and manual cash registers. To make a payment, POS terminals, touch screens and a variety of other hardware and software options are available. The point of sale is often referred to as the point of service because it is not just a point of sale but also a point of return or customer order. Additionally, current POS terminal software may include additional features to cater for different functionality, such as inventory management, CRM, financials, or warehousing. |
QR-Code the Optical Bar Code for easy recognition by photographing and scanning device, QR Code - Bar Code for Mobile |
We provide you QR code integration with Mobile Apps. QR code is short form of Quick Response Code). QR Code is a type of matrix barcode or two-dim ensional barcode first designed for the automotive industry in Japan. A QR Code is a machine-readable optical label that contains information about the item to which it is affixed. The QR code system became popular outside the automotive industry due to its fast readability and greater storage capacity compared to standard UPC barcodes. Applications include product tracking, item identification, time tracking, document management, and general marketing. A QR code consists of black squares arranged in a square grid on a white background, which can be read by an imaging device such as a camera, and processed to appropriately interpret the image. The required data are then extracted from patterns that are present in both horizontal and vertical patterns of the image. |
Android Apps for mobile and tablets developed with a RAD tool that makes it very easy to develop windows like GUI without any extensive java coding. |
Android’s user interface is mainly based on direct manipulation, using touch gestures that loosely correspond to real-world actions, such as swiping, tapping and pinching, to manipulate on-screen objects, along with a virtual keyboard for text input. In addition to touch screen devices, Google has further developed Android TV for televisions, Android Auto for cars, and Android Wear for wrist watches, each with a specialized user interface. Variants of Android are also used on notebooks, game consoles, digital cameras, and other electronics. Android has the largest installed base of all operating systems (OS) of any kind. Internal hardware, such as accelerometers, gyroscopes and proximity sensors are used by some applications to respond to additional user actions, for example adjusting the screen from portrait to landscape depending on how the device is oriented or use the device orientation as a joystick. |
Software for Mobile and Tablets using the most popular Android Operating System (OS) |
We develop mobile and tablet application using Windows like GUI using a RAD (Rapid Application Deployment) tool that results faster development of Android apps in fewer man-hours and lower costs. Knowledge of Java is not required to work with the tool and all the source code may be provided to you so that you can further develop the app on your own. We use the version of RAD took that is similar in functionality to visual basic programming language. Internal hardware, such as accelerometers, gyroscopes and proximitysensors are used by some applications to respond to additional user actions, for example adjusting the screen from portrait to landscape depending on how the device is oriented, or allowing the user to steer a vehicle in a racing game by rotating the device, simulating control of a steering wheel. |
Android OS is popular for mobile device development with technology companies that require a ready-made, low-cost and customizable operating system for high-tech devices, we develop mobile Apps for you using Android OS. |
Android’s default user interface is mainly based on direct manipulation, with touch inputs that loosely correspond to real-world actions, like swiping, tapping, pinching, and reverse pinching to manipulate on-screen objects, along with a virtual keyboard. Game controllers and full-size physical keyboards are supported via Bluetooth or USB. The response to user input is designed to be immediate and provides a fluid touch interface, often using the vibration capabilities of the device to provide feedback to the user. |
Mobile Tablet Accounting Software for Android Operating System - Windows like GUI |
This accounting, billing and inventory control application is developed by HiTech for android OS and it contains billing, Nominal Ledger and Account, Receivable and payables. This application use SQL Lite database on Android OS. Though the application you see the familiar windows control and windows that makes the APP very easy to operate. Like all our software this app can also be further customized as per your exact requirements. |
Mobile Tablet Accounting Software for Android Operating System - RAD Development Tool |
In a windows like GUI the data entry is assisted by software number pad that has a windows like GUI for the familiar looks and feel of a software. The application development deployment is very fast, reliable and robust because of encapsulated Java libraries that are used with the RAD from everything from design to running web services. Data entry number pad is essentially shown when a field can accept only numeric values. |
Mobile Tablet Accounting Software for Android Operating System, Convenient Soft Keyboard |
Another software keyboard is provided with all relevant alphanumeric keys that are required by an accounting application. All data is validated and stored in a SQL Lite database. This application is very user friendly and simple and is most suitable for small business who do not have much accounting to do other than invoicing, vouchers, accounts receivable, accounts payable and trial balance. Most important is invoicing and because of internet connectivity and mobility you can use the billing and basic accounting application anywhere you like. |
With Android Rapid Application Deployment (RAD) tool is is very easy to create an Android web browser. |
The RAD tool for android uses components like Visual Basic and several controls and services are provided by encapsulated java libraries. So developing a browser is just a matter of writing just several lines of code and full graphic functionality is provided with GUI similar to windows. This is just an example for the fast and reliable error free development achieved in much fewer manhours that required for extensive Java coding. Java coding requires expert skill set and it increases the cost of any development project when you have to hire Java programmers. |
3G/4G Dongle SMS Gateway, Sending and receiving SMS through LAN and GSM Data card/dongle based modules. |
For sending SMS through your mobile you should have a SMS enabled account. Using this you can only send personal SMS to known people. If you want to send messages of commercial or business nature you have to send messages through a web service that will allow you to send commercial message using "Do Not Call Registry" for compliance. All GSM cards / Data Cards / Dongles are installed as modem on the computer. All modem understand AT commands for dialing, receiving call and sending or receiving SMS. We develop software to control and use Internet Data Card and SMA gateway software running on LAN. |
Virtual Private Server - VPS |
A virtual private server (VPS) is a virtual machine sold as a service by an Internet hosting service. A VPS runs its own copy of an operating system, and customers have superuser level access to that operating system instance, so they can install almost any software that runs on that OS. For many purposes they are functionally equivalent to a dedicated physical server, and being software-defined, are able to be much more easily created and configured. They are priced much lower than an equivalent physical server, but as they share the underlying physical hardware with other VPSs, performance may be lower, and may depend on the workload of other instances on the same hardware node. Virtual private server Dedicated hosting Collocation center Cloud hosting Peer to peer. |
A Cloud Dedicated Server - SaaS - Software as a Service |
Software as a Service (SaaS). The capability provided to the consumer is to use the provider’s applications running on a cloud infrastructure. The applications are accessible from various client devices through either a thin client interface, such as a web browser (e.g., web-based email), or a program interface. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure including network, servers, operating systems, storage, or even individual application capabilities, with the possible exception of limited user-specific application configuration settings. |
Cloud Dedicated Server - PaaS - Platform as a Service |
Platform as a Service (PaaS). The capability provided to the consumer is to deploy onto the cloud infrastructure consumer-created or acquired applications created using programming languages, libraries, services, and tools supported by the provider. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure including network, servers, operating systems, or storage, but has control over the deployed applications and possibly configuration settings for the application-hosting environment. |
Cloud Dedicated Server - IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service |
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). The capability provided to the consumer is to provision processing, storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources where the consumer is able to deploy and run arbitrary software, which can include operating systems and applications. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure but has control over operating systems, storage, and deployed applications; and possibly limited control of select networking components (e.g., host firewalls). |
Finger Print Scanner Connected to a host computer. |
The host computer records and processes the fingerprint using a software to drive the finger print hardware and to analyze the finger prints. An early cataloging of fingerprints started as a collection of fingerprints of criminals in Argentina. Scientists argued that Biometrics is originated in the identification systems like finger prints and all finger prints are unique like DNA print of any human. This is the basis for finger print scanning software. |
Live Finger Print, Fake proof Finger Print Scanner, RFID Finger Print Detection and Identification of Employee Attendance System and Access Control |
In this two tear security area access system you can log in your access using a RFID or Magnetic Card ID Card but you need to authenticate your ID using your live finger print. This is to prevent someone from simply circumventing the RFID system by stealing you RFID gadget or ID Card. |
Biometrics and Biometric identifiers Electronics and Software |
Biometric identifiers are the distinctive, measurable characteristics used to label and describe individuals. Biometric identifiers are often categorized as physiological versus behavioral characteristics. Physiological characteristics are related to the shape of the body. Some of the biometric identifier include, but are not limited to fingerprint, palm veins, face recognition, DNA, palm print, hand geometry, iris recognition, retina and odor/scent. Behavioral characteristics are related to the pattern of behavior of a person, including but not limited to typing rhythm, gait, and voice. |
Finger Print Based Visitor Registration System |
This finger print recorder record the visits of all visitors and store the previous visit data. Such a system is very useful in hotels and hospital like establishment with frequent visitors. The unique finger print data is stored in the database managing complete information about the visitor. |
Iris Recognition and Retina Scanning, IRIS and Retina Scanner Hardware |
In biometrics, IRIS and Retina scanning are known as "ocular-based" identification technologies, meaning they rely on unique physiological characteristics of the eye to identify an individual. Even though they both share part of the eye for identification purposes, these biometric modalities are quite different in how they work. Retinal Scanning: The human retina is a thin tissue composed of eye neural cells that is located in the posterior portion of the eye. Because of the complex structure of the capillaries that supply the retina with blood, each person’s retina is unique like the DNA or fingerprint because it is complex maze of small veins, nerves and optical sensors. |
Facial Feature Comparison Software. Must be operated with appropriate face scanner hardware. |
The software logic comprises of the two basic modes of a biometric system. First, in verification (or authentication) mode the system performs a one to one comparison of a captured biometric with a specific template stored in a biometric database in order to verify the individual is the person they claim to be. Several steps are involved in the verification of a person. In the first step, reference models for all the users are generated and stored in the model database. In the second step, some samples are matched with reference models to generate the genuine and impostor scores and calculate the accuracy of the match. |
Quick Financial Accounting Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payable Software with Financial Accounting | |||
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